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Integrative Harm Reduction therapy is a personalized treatment for substance misuse and addiction that goes beyond the one size fits all model of abstinence. Andrew Tatarsky is an internationally recognized leader in the treatment of substance misuse and the director of The Center for Optimal Living.
LV mājaslapā! Ar HIV inficēto cilvēku dzīves kvalitātes uzlabošana visos tās aspektos, interešu aizstāvība, iesaistot gan pašu HIV. Kopienu, gan sabiedrību kopumā. Uzlabot dzīves kvalitāti cilvēkiem, kur.
ASAP Approved as a TA Provider for the CRG Dept of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ASAP joins 25 national, regional and global HIV, TB and malaria organizations approved to support a range of TA requests from civil society organizations to help strengthen engagement in Global Fund. From 18-20 August 2015,.
gadā kopumā no jauna konstatēts 371 jauns HIV gadījums, kas ir par 6 gadījumiem vairāk nekā 2016. Nedaudz palielinājies arī jauno AIDS gadījumu skaits, taču par vissatraucošāko tendenci speciālisti uzskata datu trūkumu par HIV infekcijas izplatības ceļiem vairāk nekā trešajā daļā konstatēto HIV gadījumu nav zināms inficēšanās ceļš. No noskaidrotajiem inficēšanās ceļiem augstākais rādītājs ir .
By People who use Drugs for People who use Drugs. Good Habits Vs Bad Habits. Images of Veins in Body Part 1.
Time to Count the Costs. The war on drugs creates massive costs, resulting from an enforcement-led approach that puts organised crime in control of the trade. It is time to count these costs and explore the alternatives, using the best available evidence, to deliver a safer, healthier and more just world. View the development and security costs. View the human rights costs. View the stigma and discrimination costs.
How you may help us. The Working group on OST advocacy in Russia. Access to treatment in Russia. ARF advocacy at the national level.
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Fahrradteile und Zubehör Magazin für 2018 druckfrisch eingetroffen. Auch bei uns im Geschäft! Die etwas anderen Radreisen-Rügen. Das Pegasus Fahrrad Programm 2018.
The Eclipse of the Ages into Black. The Best Albums of 2009. GOATWHORE will release their new studio album, entitled Blood For The Master, on February 14th in North America via Metal Blade Records. The album was recorded at Mana Studios in St. DARKEST HOUR Parts With Drummer.